Dr. Raul Cuero


The following is the official list of publications of Dr. Raul Cuero, which are distributed in Scientific Journals, Book Chapters and Conferences abstract, and others. Their contributions are given in the areas of Microbial Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology.

Also, He is author of books on Creativity and Human development.


  1. Cuero, R. 2024. Methods for producing a polyactive carbohydrate and applications thereof. US Patent #12,129,500, October 29, 2024. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  2. Cuero, R. 2023. Biological devices and methods of use thereof to produce carotenoids. US Patent # 11,603,549 B2, March 14, 2023. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  3. Cuero, R. 2022. Water and Ions as the Conditions Necessary for the Presence of Life: The Secret History of Life. https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-5275-9060-1
  4. Cuero, R., et. al. 2020. Molecular Labeling of DNA Amyloid Sensor with Plasma, and the Glycemic Factor, for Photonic Detection of Alzheimer’s Blood. Diabetes Updates. (6):1-15. https://www.oatext.com/pdf/DU-6-147.pdf
  5. CUERO, RAUL 2022. Water and Ions as the Conditions Necessary for the Presence of Life: The Secret History of Life.   https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-5275-9060-1
  6. CUERO, R., et. al. 2020. Molecular Labeling of DNA Amyloid Sensor with Plasma, and the Glycemic Factor, for Photonic Detection of Alzheimer’s Blood. Diabetes Up[dates. (6):1-15. https://www.oatext.com/pdf/DU-6-147.pdf
  7. CUERO R, AND SANCHEZ L. 2019. DNA-based glucose sensor and photonicity for early detection of diabetes using saliva. Diabetes Updates, Volume 5: 1-5. OAT 2019. https://www.oatext.com/dna-based-glucose-sensor-and-photonicity-for-early-detection-of-diabetes-using-saliva.php
  8. CUERO RAÚL, J. NAVIA, D. AGUDELO, P.MEDINA. 2017Construct of DNA glucose sensor yeast plasmid for early detection of diabetes. Journal of Integrative Obesity and Diabetes. Volume 3(5): 1-9. Frontiers in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology OAT. ISSN: 2056-8827.
  9. CUERO RAÚL. J. MARÍA NAVIA. 24 AUG 2017. Glucose and Insulin Sensors and methods of use thereof. PUB No US2017/024979 A1. PCT No PCT/US12/34170.
  10. CUERO, R. 2016.  Martian soil as a potential source of nanoparticles: Study using Martian regolith similant, Frontiers in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology OAT, FNN. Volume 2(2): 91-99.
  11. CUERO RAÚL. N. GUTIÉRREZ CALLE. M. SÁNCHEZ LONDOÑO 2016. Methods and devices for Electromagnetic Ligation of Nucleic Acids and Electromagnetic Transformation of Cells. PUB No US2016/0168578 A1. PCT No PCT/US14/49015. 
  12. CUERO, R. IBARGUEN H.  2016. Molecular and Toxicological characterization of anti-UV Yeast plasmid compound for skin protection, Frontiers in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology OAT  2016, FNN. Volume 2(4): 159-164. 
  13. CUERO RAÚL. G. MELO RODRÍGUEZ. 2016.  Polyurethane biofoams derived from natural products and methods of making and using thereof. PUB No US2016/0168311 A1. PCT No PCT/US2014/049530.
  14. CUERO RAÚL.  D. VÁSQUEZ  FORERO. 2016. Biological devices and methods of use thereof for the study and control of Alzheimer´s disease. PUB No US2016/0168214 A1. PCT No  PCT/US14/49574. 
  15. CUERO  RAÚL. J. LONDOÑO  MURILLO. 2014. Composition for Water  treatment and methods of  using thereof. WIPO/PCT WO 2014/193868 A1. PCT No PCT/US2014/039642. 
  16. CUERO RAÚL. M. FRANCO JIMÉNEZ, N. GUTIÉRREZ CALLE, M. SÁNCHEZ LONDOÑO. 2014. Methods and devices for Electromagnetic Amplification of Nucleic Acids. PUB No US2014/0030764 A1.  Provisional Application No  61/676,358. 
  17. CUERO RAÚL.  2014. Preparation of Biological devices and their use thereof for increasing the production of Secondary Metabolites from plants. WIPO/PCT WO 2014/018849 A1. PCT No PCT/US2013/052245. 
  18. CUERO RAÚL. 2014. Methods for increasing the production of Phenolic Compounds from Theobroma Cocoa. PUB No US 2014/0033360 A1. Provisional Application No 61/675,869.
  19. RAUL CUERO. 2013. DNA sensors for predicting diabetes: A synthetic biology approach. International Conference on Integrative Biology Summit, Las Vegas, August 5-7, 2013. RAUL G. CUERO, 1989. Synergistic effect of zinc chelating action chitosan on suppression of aflatoxigenic aspergilli growth and Aflatoxin production: A biocontrol method Proc. Eighth Biennial Research Symposium, Land-Grant Colleges and Universities-1890- 1990. Oct. 8-11. Arlington, VA. p. 52. 
  20. CUERO, R, MCKAY. D. 2013. “Induction and Construct UV Protective Yeast Plasmid”, Journal of Biotechnology (Elsevier). Volume 166, Issue 3, 10 July 2013, Pages 76 
  21.  RAUL CUERO, JLILLY, DAVID S. MCKAY. 2012. “Constructed molecular sensor to enhance metal detection by bacterial ribosomal switch-ion channel protein interaction”. Journal of Biotechnology (Elsevier). Vol 158 (12012): 1-7
  22. QUINTERO, A., S. GARCIA, C. GUEVARA, C. RINCON, C. OSPINA, P. GUEVARA, AND R.CUERO. 2007. A microbial biosensor device for iron detection under UV irradiation. Vol. 1 (1-2): pp 71-73. IET Synth Biol. 
  23. CUERO, R, AND T. OUELLET. 2005. Enhancement of Genetic Molecular Expression by  Mineral Ions in Microbial Cells, and its Effect at the Cellular Level. FEEDINFO. Scientific Reviews. November, 15, 2005. 
  24. Microbial Biogenesis in Ferromagnetic Reduced Martian Simulant Soil, Under UV Light: Use of Electrosensors. Extremophiles 2004. International Conferenceon Extremophiles. September 19-23, 2004. Cambridge, Maryland. Abstract #145
  25. CUERO, R. AND T. OUELLET. 2004. Metal ions Modulate Gene Expression and Accumulation of the Mycotoxins Aflatoxin and Zearalenone. Journal of Applied Microbiology. Vol. 98: 598-605 
  26. R.G.CUERO. 2003. Life on Mars: Use of Electrosensors and computer simulation. Vol. 7:238-239 September, 2003. GIT Verlag, A Wiley Company. 
  27. CUERO, R., T. OUELLET, J. YU, AND N. MOGONGWA. 2003. Metal Ion Enhancement on Fungal Growth, Gene Expression, and Aflatoxin Synthesis in Aspergillus flavus: RT-PCR Characterization. Journal of Applied Microbiology. Published United States Department Agriculture. 
  28. R. CUERO, R. T. OUELLET, J. YU, AND N. MOGONGWA. 2003. Metal Ions Enhancement of Fungal Growth, Gene Expression, and aflatoxin: RT-PCR Characterization. Journal of Applied Microbiology. Vol. 94(4) 
  29. RAUL G.CUERO. 2001. Bio-nanotechnology: Key for Biotechnology to the Molecular Level. Scientific article. G.I.T. Verlag. Publishing LTD. Darmstadt, Germany 
  30. MARCIA R. FRANZOLONI, WALDEREZ GAMBALE, RAUL G. CUERO, AND BENITO. CORREA. 1999. Interaction between toxigenic Aspergillus flavus Link and mites (Tyrophagus putrescentiae Schrank) on maize grains: effects on fungal growth and aflatoxin production. Journal of Stored Product. Vol. 35:215-224 
  31. CUERO. R. 1999. Book Chapter. Antimicrobial Action of Exogenous Chitosan. In: Chitin and Chitinases. Ed by P. Jolles and R.A. Muzzarelli, eds.). Page 315-333. Birkhauser-Verlag Publishing Basel /Switzerland.
  32.  Y.LOPEZ, N.P. KELER, B.SARR, T.D. PHILLIPS, R.G.CUERO, AND O.D. SMITH. 1998. Visual Estimation of Aflatoxin Production in Peanut with Aspergillus Norsolorinic Acid Mutants. Peanut Science. P. 92 -99. 
  33. R. CUERO. 1998. Effect of soil Mineralogy and Associated Mycoflora in DNA to Toxigenic Fungal Growth and Mycotoxin Production. Texas Agricultural Research Project Database.
  34. J.E. SMITH, J. LACEY, R. CUERO, N. RAMAKRISHMA, AND N. GQALENI. 1998Storage Product Ecology and Mycotoxin Formation. In: Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins-Developments in Chemistry, Toxicology and Food Safety, eds. by M. Miraglia, H. Van Egmond, C. Brera, J. Gilbert. Chapter 31, P: 289-302. 
  35. R.G. CUERO. 1996. Enhanced Heavy Immobilization by a Bacterial-Chitosan Complex in Soil. Biotechnology Letters. Vol. 18 No (May 1996) p. 511-514. 
  36. RAUL G. CUERO. 1995. Resistencia aflatoxicose induzida por polissacarideo Quitosan em galinhas. Respostas celulares e por anticorpos. Simposio International sobre Micotoxinas em Avez.
  37.  J.E. FAJARDO, R.D. WANISKA, R.G. CUERO, AND R.E. PETTIT. 1995. Phenolic compounds in peanut seeds: Enhanced elicitation by chitosan and effects on growth and aflatoxin B1 production by aspergillus flavus. Food Biotechnology, 9 (1&2), 59-78 (1995).
  38.  RAUL G CUERO AND GONDSON O. OSUJI. 1995. Aspergillus flavus-induced chitosanase in germinating corn and peanut seeds: A. flavus mechanism for growth dominance over associated fungi and concomitant aflatoxin production. J. Food Additives and Contaminants. Vol. 12 No3, 479-483.
  39.  J.E FAJARDO, R.D WANISKA, R. CUERO, AND R. PETTIT. 1994. Effects of Chitosan and Aspergillus flavus on Isozymes Related to Phenolic compound Synthesis and Protein Profiles of Peanut Seeds. Food Biotechnology Vol. 8(2&3):213-228. 
  40. FAJARDO, L., R. WANISKA, R.G. CUERO, AND R.E. PETTIT. 1994. Phenolic Compounds in Peanut Seeds: Enhanced Elicitation by Chitosan and Effects on Growth and Aflatoxin B1 Production by Aspergillus flavus. Food Biotechnology, Vol. 8(2&3): 191-211. 
  41. RAUL G. CUERO AND G. OSUJI. 1993. Chitosanase Induction in Maize and Peanuts: Enzyme Inducting Factors. In: Chitin Enzymology (R.A.A. Muzzarelli, University of Ancona, Italy). European Chitin Society Ancona, 1993. pp 277-288. 
  42. RAUL G.CUERO AND GODSON O. OSUJI. 1992. Aspergillus flavus Induced-chitosanase in Germinating Corn and Peanut Seeds: A. flavus Mechanism for Growth Dominance and Toxin Production. Proceedings 8th Int. IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Mycotoxins. Mexico City, Nov. 6-13, 1992. 
  43.  GODSON O. OSUJI, G.O. AND RAUL .G. CUERO. 1992. Regulation of Ammonium Ion Salvage and Enhancement of the Storage Protein Contents of Corn, Sweetpotato, and Yam Tuber by N-(Carboxymethyl) Chitosan Application. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, Vol. 40:724-734. 
  44.  G.O. OSUJI AND R.G. CUERO. 1992. N-Carboxymethylchitosan Enhancement of Storage Protein Contents of Maize Seeds (Zea mays L.). Food Biotechnology, Vol. 6(2):105-126. 
  45.  R.G. CUERO , R. WANISKA, J.FAJARDO, G. OSUJI AND E. DUFFUS. 1992 Enhancement of Phytoalexin and Chitosanase by chitosan in germinating Peanuts: Biocontrol of toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins: In C Brine, P. Sandford, J Zinkakis (eds). Advances in Chitin and Chitosan. Elsevier Science Publishers. Amsterdam. 
  46. CUERO, R.G., AND G. OSUJI. 1991. Chitosanase Bionduction by Two Strains of Bacillus sp. and Chitosan in Peanut: An Effective Biocontrol of Pathogenic and Toxigenic Fungi. Med. Fac. Landbouww. Rijksuniv. Gent, 56(4a), PP. 1415-1425.
  47. G.O OSUJI & R.G. CUERO. 1991. A rapid method for enhancing the storage protein yields of yam tuber, sweetpotato and maize through N- Carboxymethylchitosan treatment of the crops. Fifth Forum for Applied Biotechnology, Universiteit Gent 25-27 sep, Belgium. 
  48.  R.G CUERO, G. OSUJI, AND E. DUFFUS. 1991. N-Carboxymethylchitosan: Uptake and effect on chlorophyll production, water potential and biomass in tomato plants. Food Biotechnology Vol. 5(2), pp. 95-103. 
  49. CUERO, R.G., E. DUFFUS, G. OSUJI, AND R. PETTIT. 1991. Aflatoxin Control in Preharvest Maize: Effects of Chitosan and Microbial Agents. Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 117:165-169. 
  50. OSUJI, G.O., R.G. CUERO, AND A. WASHINGTON. 1991. Effects of Alfa-Ketoglutarate on the Activities of Glutamate Dehydrogenase, Glutamate Synthase, and Aspartate Transaminase of Sweet Potato, Yam Tuber and Cream Pea. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 39:1590-1596. 
  51. GODSON O. OSUJI, RAUL G. CUERO, ARTHUR WASHINGTON. 1991. The biochemical properties of high-protein sweetpotatoes. Sweet potato Technology for the 21 st century. Tuskegee University. Program Abstracts. June 2-6. 
  52. CUERO, R.G., G. OSUJI. 1991. Chitosanase Production by strain of Bacillus spp: An Effective Biocontrol Method. Proceedings Forum for Applied Biotechnology, Belgium, Sept. 1991. 
  53.  CUERO, R.G., R. WANISKA, J. FAJARDO, G. OSUJI, AND E. DUFFUS. 1991Enhanced elicitation of Phytoalexin and Chitosanase by Chitosan in corn and peanut: Biocontrol of Toxigenic Fungi and Mycotoxins. In: 5th Int. Conf. on Chitin and Chitosan. October 17-20 Princeton, NJ. 1991. 
  54.  CUERO, R.G., G. OSUJI, AND A. WASHINGTON. 1991. N-Carboxymethylchitosan inhibition of aflatoxin production; Role of zinc. Biotechnology Letter. Vol. 13(6), pp 441-444. 
  55. CUERO, R.G., E. DUFFUS, AND G. OSUJI. 1990. Aflatoxin Control in Postharvest Corn Kernels: Proceedings 5th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection. Bordeaux, France, September 9-14, 1990. F. Fleurat-Lessard and P. Ducom (Eds.), Vol. 1., pp. 279-289
  56. CUERO RAUL, G.E DUFFUS AND G. OSUJI. 1990. Aflatoxin control in corn and peanut kernels at various water activities and temperatures: Effects of bacillus subtilis and chitosan. 5th International Working Conference on Stored – Product Protection. September 9-14. 1990. Bordeaux-France. 
  57.  CUERO, R.G., E. DUFFUS, AND G. OSUJI. 1990. Elimination des aflatoxines du mais et des arachides a differentes temperatures  et a differentes activites de L’eau: Effets de Bacillus Subtilis et du Chitosan. Proceedings 5th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection. Bordeaux, France, September 9-14, 1990. F. Fleurat-Lessard and P. Ducom (Eds.), Vol. 1. p 290. 
  58. CUERO, R.G., AND E.B. LILLEHOJ. 1990. Carboxymethylchitosan: Algistatic and Algicidal Properties. Biotechnology Techniques. 1990 Vol. 4No 4 pp. 275-280. 
  59.  RAUL G. CUERO, ALISON MURRAY, AND JOHN E. SMITH. 1988 Control of toxigenic molds in cereal seeds.Book: Biocontrol of Plant Diseases Volume II, Chapter 6. CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton Florida.
  60.  RAUL G, E. B. LILLEHOJ, E. CLEVELAND, AND A. REINE. 1988. Chitosan as a control agent of toxigenic fungal growth and aflatoxin production. Proceedings of the Japanese Association of Mycotoxicology, Supp. 1. IUPAC ’88 and ICPP ’88. Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins.
  61. RAUL CUERO, JHON E. SMITH, and JOHN LACEY. 1988. Mycotoxin formation by Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium graminearum in irradiated maize grains in the presence of other fungi. Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 51(6):452-456. USA. 
  62. R. G. CUERO, J. E. SMITH, AND J. LACEY. 1987. Interaction of water activity, temperature and substrate on mycotoxin production by Aspergillus flavus, penicillium viridicatum and Fusarium graminearum irradiated grain. Transactions of British Mycological Society Journal, England. Vol.89(2):221-226. 
  63.  LACEY, J., N.L. MAGAN, AND R.G. CUERO. 1987. The influence of water and temperature on molding and mycotoxin formation. Proceedings, 4th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection. Tel Aviv., Sept., 1986, p. 63-76.
  64.  RAUL G. CUERO, 1987. Factors governing mycotoxin production in crop plants, food and feed. Proceedings, Primera Reunión de Investigación sobre Micotoxinas. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, D.F., p. 52-62.
  65.  RAUL G. CUERO, JOHN E. SMITH AND JOHN LACEY. 1987. Stimulation by Hyphopichia burtonii and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens of Aflatoxin Production by Aspergillus flavus in Irradiated Maize and Rice Grains. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, May 1987. P 1142-1146. Vol53, No 5 
  66. J.E. SMITH AND R.G. CUERO. 1986. Interaction between toxic and non-toxic fungi in gamma irradiation sterilised cereals. Mycotoxins in cereals and other stored products. Edited by B. Flannigan. Interational Biodeterrioration Supp. 1986. Vol 22. C.A.B.International. UK. 
  67. CUERO, R.G., J. SMITH, AND J. LACEY., 1986. A novel containment system for laboratory scale solid particulate fermentations. Biotechnology Letters. Vol 7(7):463-466. 
  68. CUERO, R.G., J. SMITH, AND J. LACEY. 1986. The influence of gamma irradiation and sodium hypochlorite on maize seed microflora and germination. Food Microbiology. Vol. 3, 107-113, Chapter 10.
  69.  CUERO, R.G., E.B. LILLEHOJ, W.F. KWOLEK, AND M.S. ZUBER. 1985. Mycoflora and aflatoxin in pre-harvest maize kernels of varied endosperm type. Trichothecene and other mycotoxins. In: J. Lacey (ed). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. pp 109-111. 
  70. CUERO,R.G.,1980. Ecological Distribution of Fusarium solanri and its opportunistic action related to mycotic keratistis in Cali, Colombia.Journal of Clinical Microbiology. Vol. 12 No 3. 
  1. Raul Cuero, Ph.D, NI A, Biocapital Holdings Llc, USA cDNA Recombinant Proteins for Dermatological and Cosmetic Protection: Use of Synthetic Biology. Sunlight is known to cause sever sunburn and skin cancer. Despite using many UV-absorbent substances, the dermatological harm continues to be a health concern. Therefore, here is described a novel method to produce a metabolite from yeast plasmid for dermatological and cosmetic protection of skin against UV damage, using synthetic biology. Different DNA constructs were assembled containing genes encoding proteins with higher absorption-extinction coefficients, and/or DNA repairing capacity. These gene assemblages were cloned in yeast cells, and a lysate was extracted after culture growth. Different lysates
    containing the recombinant proteins were tested in vitro in mammalian skin cells and microbial cells. The UV-protectant lysate proteins were detected by using photonic, intense low mass ion, and ELISA methods. Results showed that the anti-UV lysate-metabolite is a protein with a valine and other amine tail. Microscopy results show that fibroblast cells were protected by the lysate protein (71 % survival) after I hour of UV exposure, as compared to the 13% survival of untreated fibroblast cells. Nucleic acid assays confirm these
    results. Also, the number of elongated fibroblasts was higher in the lysate treated culture after exposure to UV radiation, as compared to the untreated cell culture, which had a lower number of elongated fibroblasts and more spherical fibroblasts, as an indication of the harmful effect of UV radiation. Similarly, microbial cells were protected by the lysate when exposed to UV radiation. These cDNA recombinant proteins also show great photo-protectant effect. This investigation demonstrated the benefit of this method for dermatological and cosmetic UV protection. Click here to view image
  2. Session AES16 – Electromicrobiology and Synthetic Biology
    Microbial Construct cDNA Biomarkers to Enhance Fluorescent Recognition of Sars-CoV-2 Antibodies Applying Micro-Currents in Yeast as a Model: An Alternative for Vaccines Development
    R. Cuero, J. M. Sanchez; 1BioCapital Holdings, LLC, Houston, TX, Intl. Park of Creativity, Manizales, Colombia
  3. Session MBP06 Metabolism Enzyme Mechanics and Physiology
    Microbial Construct CDNA Biomarker to Harness Hormones and Photosynthesis for Higher Carbon Capture in Plants: The Biophotonic Effect
    R. Cuero, J. M. Sanchez; BioCapital Holdings, LLC, Houston, TX, Intl. Park of Creativity, Manizales, Colombia
  4. Construct-cDNA for Versatile Biopolymer Functional Material, in Microorganisms: Use of Synthetic Biology 
    Raul Cuero, Jhonny Mateo Sanchez, BioCapital Holdings LLC, United States of America; International Park of Creativity, Colombia;
    Click here to view conference program.
  5. Session AES16 – Electromicrobiology and Synthetic Biology
    Microbial Construct cDNA Biomarkers to Enhance Fluorescent Recognition of Sars-CoV-2 Antibodies Applying Micro-Currents in Yeast as a Model: An Alternative for Vaccines Development
    R. Cuero, J. M. Sanchez; BioCapital Holdings, LLC, Houston, TX, Intl. Park of Creativity, Manizales, Colombia
  6.  CUERO RAÚL, Ph.D. DAVID S. MCKAY, Ph.D. 1 MAY 2018.  Anti-UV Technology Using Synthetic Biology. BioCapital Holdings LLC and NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas. Teach Briefs.  https://www.techbriefs.com/component/content/article/tb/techbriefs/manufacturing-prototyping/28870#%202/4
  7. RAUL CUERO. 2011. Where the Unknown and Known of Science Converge, Making Biology Predictable for Economic Benefit. BIT´s 2nd World DNA and Genomic Day – 2011. Dalian, China. 
  8. MAGAYA, L. AND R. CUERO. 2006. The Use of Microbial Biosensors to Determine Undetectable Levels of Chemical Contamination. Research Directors, INC. 14th Biennial Research Symposium. April 1-5. Atlanta, Georgia. USA. 
  9.  R.CUERO. 2005. Enhancement of Genetic Molecular Expression by Mineral Ions in Microbial Cells, and its Effect at the Cellular Level. Feed info. Scientific Reviews. 14/11/2005.R. CUERO, D. MCKAY, M. RIBEIRO. C. CRUZ, E.DUFFUS. 2005. Simulated Exobiology Study Using Martian Stimulate Soil, Electrosensors and ferromagnetism. Life in interface between inorganic and organic. ISSM 2005/ ISEB XVII- August 14-19, 2005. Jackson Hole, Wyoming. USA. 
  10. CUERO, R, D. MCKAY, M. RIBEIRO, C. CRUZ, E. DUFFUS. 2005. Simulated Exobiology Study Using Martian Simulant Soil, Electrosensors and Ferromagnetism: Life in interface between inorganic and organic. Proframan And Abstract of the Joint International Symposia for Subsurface Microbiology. (ISSM 2005) and Environment Biogeochemistry. 14-19 August, 2005. Jackson Hole, Wyoming. USA 
  11. R. CUERO, AND T. OUELLET. 2004. Metal ions modulate gene expression and production of aflatoxin and zearalenone and their effect on enzymes for  mycotoxin synthesis. Abstract. IUPAC  Symposium, 2004. Bethesda Maryland. May, 2004 
  12. R.G. CUERO, D. MCKAY, A.ELLIS. 2003Biogenesis Studies Using Martian Similant Soil and Electrosensors Monitored by an Intelligent Expert System: Autotrophic Bacteria as the Interface Between Inorganic and Organic. American Society for Microbiology 103rd General Meeting, May 18-22 Washington, D.C. Abstracts 
  13. RAUL CUERO. 2003. Molecular Genetic Expression, in Relation to Mycotoxin Production, Regulated by Metal Ions: Use of RT-PCR, and Electrospray Ionization Mass. I. Panamerican Symposium on Mycotoxins for Industry. April 1-4, 2003. Mexico City
  14.  R. CUERO, AND N. MOGONGWA. 2002. Fungal growth and molecular mechanisms induce by metal ions, in relation to toxin production: use of RT – PCR , and electro – spray ionization techniques. The Texas Branch of The American Society for Microbiology. Fall Meeting. Austin, Texas. November 7-9. 
  15. R. CUERO, R. AND H.IBARGUEN. 2002Metal Ions Mediation of Fungal Metabolism and Genetic Expression in Relation to Cytotoxicity and Toxigenicity in Human and Animals. 2nd Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Metal Toxicity and Carcinogenesis. September 8-11-2002. Morgantown; West Virginia.
  16.  R.CUERO, R., T. OUELLET, J. YU & N. MOGONGWA. 2002. Metal effect on fungal toxin, genetic expression, and growth regulation: use of RT-PCR, subtraction library, and electrospray ionization. Abstract #1085. Seventh International Mycological Congress. Oslo. August, 2002. 
  17. RAUL CUERO, JOHN WILLIAMS, NNANA MOGONGWA, FELICIA KING, ALFONSO SADBERRY, AND ASHLEY CHATHAM 2001. Effective molecular mechanisms to identify microorganisms resistant to toxic metals in the environment. Expanding Opportunities Conference. Jackson State University. April 1-3. 
  18. R.G. CUERO, R., H. IBARGUEN, AND A. CHATHAM. 2001. Effect of Metal ions on electrokinetic of cells growth, metabolism, and molecular mechanisms: A Bio-nanotechnology Study. 10th European Congress of Biotechnology. Madrid, 8-11 July, 2001. Abstract HEA – 43 
  19. R. CUERO AND N. MOGONGWA. 2000. Metal ions regulation of fungal growth and production of secondary metabolites (mycotoxins): Molecular and cellular mediation. Biotechnology 2000. The World Congress on Biotechnology. 3-8 Sep ICC- Berlin. 
  20. R.G. CUERO. 2000. Regulation of mycotoxins formation and fungal growth by metal ions and fertilizer: effect on fungal gene expression. In: Mycotoxins in Perspectives at the Turn of the  Millennium (W.J. de Koe, R.A. Samson, H.P. van Egmond, J. Gilbert, M. Sabino, eds.). Chapter 10: 355-361. Proceedings of the 10th Mycotoxins  IUPAC. Symposium, Guaruja, Brazil, 2000. IUPAC/AOAC. 
  21.  R. G. CUERO. 2000. Interactive action of metal ions, and fertilizer on mycotoxins formation: effects on toxigenic fungal DNA/RNA, and growth. X International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins. Instituto Adolfo Lutz Sao Paulo, Brazil. 
  22.  RAUL G. CUERO, J WILLIAMS AND T.E. MOGONGWAAT. 2000. Phenotypic Expression of Mycotoxins Production Regulated by Metal Ions Interactions in Soil. Association of Research Directors, Inc. April 19-21 Washington. 
  23.  R. CUERO, H. IBARGUEN, AND G. MMBJJWE. 2000. Fungal Cytotoxicity and Toxigenicity Induced by Metal Ions: Effect on Hum and Animals cells. 6th International Symposium on Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine. May 7-10, 2000. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 
  24. R. CUERO, H. IBARGUEN, AND G. MMBJJWE. 2000. Fungal Cytotoxicity and Toxigenicity Induced by Metal Ions: Effect on Hum and Animals. In: Metal Ions In Biology and Medicine; vol. 6. Eds. J.A. Centeno, Ph. Collery, G. Vernet, R.B. Fimkelman, H. Gibb, J.C. Etienne. John Libbey Eurotex, Paris. Pp 765-767 
  25. RAUL CUERO. 1998. Papel de los metales pesados para el control de micotoxinas. VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Bótanica y XIV Congreso Mexicano de Botánica. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Octubre del 18 al 24.
  26.  R.G. CUERO, R., J. WILLIAMS, AND J. KONAN. 1998. Zinc and Copper Interaction on Control of Growth and Mycotoxins Production by Aspergillus and Fusarium Species. International Symposium on Mycotoxin: Mycotox 98. Toulouse-France: 2-4 July, 1998.
  27.  XYANTHINE GILMORE, AND R. CUERO. 1997. Fungal DNA Changes Induced by Microbial Mixed Population and Soil Copper. Proceedings. XI Biennial Research Symposium, 1890 Universities. San Antonio, September, 1997. 
  28. R. G. CUERO, R.G. AND T. OUELLETT. 1996. Interactive Effects of Zinc and Associated Mycoflora in Toxigenic Fusarium DNA and Aspergillus in Relation to Growth and Toxins Production (Abstract): IX International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins. Rome, 27-31, 1996. 
  29.  W.C MADU, A. MANGAROO, R. CUERO, AND G. OSUJI, 1994Effects of physical and chemical factors of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.). Ass. of Res. Directors, Inc. Tenth  Biennial Research Symposium, 1890 Land-Grant Colleges and Universities. Oct. 2-5, 1994, New Orleans, Abstract, page 33. 
  30.  MADU, W.C., CUERO, R.G , MANGAROO A, AND OSUJI G.O. 1994. A Rapid Method for Generating Suspension Cell Cultures of Root and Tuber Crops (Abstract. The Fifth Gatlinburg Symposium. Technology Transfer of Plant Biotechnology. Knoxville, Tennessee. May 24-28, 1994. 
  31. CUERO RAUL AND G. OSUJI. 1994. Fungal chitosanase polypeptides and their role in microbial interactions. Fifth International Mycological Congress, Vancouver, Canada, August 14-21, 1994. Abstract, Page 44. 
  32.  CUERO, R.G. AND G. OSUJI. 1992. Chitosanase Induction by Interaction of Bacillus species with chitosan as Defense Mechanism Against Fungi in Germinating Peanut and Corn Seeds. Abstract 9th International Biotechnology Symposium. Crystal City, Aug. 16-21, 1992. 
  33. R.G. CUERO AND G.O. OSUJI. 1991. Chitosanase production by strain of Bacillus spp in Groundnut and Maize: An Effective Biocontrol Method. Forum for applied biotechnology. Abstracts University of Gent, Belgium. 25-27 Sep.
  34. G. OSUJI, R. CUERO AND C. BRAINTHWAITE. 1990. Comparative mechanisms of glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamate synthase, glutamine synthetase and asparagine synthetase in amino acid biosynthesis in crops. 5 th European Congress on Biotechnology. Copenhagen July 8-13. 
  35. R.G. CUERO, E.DUFFUS, G. OSUJI. 1990. Effects of Chitosan and two microbial agents. The American  Phytopathological Society, The Canadian  Phytopathological Society, APS/CPS Abstracts of Presentations. 1990 APS/CPS Annual Meeting. August 4-8 1990. Michigan USA. 
  36.  RAUL G. CUERO, EB. LILLEHOJ AND A. REINE. 1988. Chitosan as a control agent of toxigenic fungal growth and aflatoxin production. 5th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Abstracts of papers. Kyoto- Japan. 
  37.  CUERO, R.G., I. HERNANDEZ, H. CARDENAS, E. OSORIO AND L.C ONYIAH., 1986Aflatoxin in Colombia. Aflatoxin in Maize. Aflatoxin Workshop. Proceeding of the Workshop. El Batan, Mexico. April 7-11, April 7-11, 1986. México. CIMMYT/ UNDP and USAID. 
  38. CUERO, R.G., J. VALVERDE, J. GAMBOA, AND J. RESTREPO. 1983. Tiempo de mantenimiento y características de almacenamiento de la sierra (Scomberomuros sierra) y Sardina Crinuda (Opistonema libertate) en agua de mar refrigerada, hielo y cuarto frió. FAO/Informe de Pesca No
    340/FIIUR340. Consulta de Expertos sobre tecnología de productos pesqueros en América Latina. Ciudad de México, Diciembre, 1983.Organización de la Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación.


1.     BOOK: Cuero. R. 2023 “Fear and Courage Today and Throughout Civilization”  (Amazon.com & Kindle).

2.     BOOK: Cuero. R. 2016 “How to Create to Excel: The Joy Life” (Amazon.com & Kindle). 

3.     BOOK: Cuero. R. 2015 “Loneliness as a Source of Creativity: In the Modern Technological Era” (Amazon.com & Kindle). 

4.     BOOK: Cuero. R. 2004 “Between Triumph and Survival” (American Binding and Publishing Co).

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