Dr. Raul Cuero talks about invention, innovation and creativity in VIII Americas Competitiveness Forum in Trinidad y Tobago
The Americas Competitiveness Forum is the premier medium in the western hemisphere bringing together government, business leaders and academics to discuss innovative methods to achieve economic competitiveness and promote innovation in the Caribbean and the Americas. It arose from the recognition of the need to promote trade, entrepreneurialism, address immigration reforms and highlight the importance of investments in Research & Development as a key tool for competitiveness. It is also meant to address the fact that the Latin American and Caribbean region lags behind: the rest of the Americas in terms of income equality and the level of investment that occurs in Research and Development (R&D).
Dr. Raul Cuero was one of the Keynote speakers and presented one-hour lecture on the invention based on creative science as the key to develop new technologies and for fostering innovation toward sustainable entrepreneurship. Also, he share lectures with others important speaker as Roberto Veluttini, Vice president of Inter-American Development Bank; Jane AllenJane Allen, global leader for renewable energy; Warren Smith, President of Caribbean Development Bank; Luis Alberto Moreno, President of Inter-American Development Bank; Frans Johansson, General Director of Medici Group; Dr Keith Nurse Professor and General Director of UWI Consulting Company; Dr Kiran Akal, President and Creative Director of Infinite Worlds; Suhas Gopinath, General Director and Founder of Global Inc y Claude Zdanow, Founder of Stadiumred.
The VIII Americas Competitiveness Forum was made in Trinidad y Tobago for 8 to 10 October 2014 and was organized by Organization of American States and Trinidad y Tobago government.